
Heartbeat – Tuesday, June 5th, 2018

I voted (and got a sticker)!

Woo, finally bought a bag of coffee! :coffee:

Yoga, jogged 2 laps, DuoLingo.

News from The New York Times:

  • The Supreme Court overturned a Colorado Court decision on Monday, ruling in favor of a Colorado baker that denied a gay couple a cake based on his religious beliefs. The ruling was overturned largely based on evidence that the commission handling the case was swayed by general religious animus. In that sense it was a very “narrow ruling” and it also included comments reaffirming gay rights protections.
  • The Fuego Volcano in Guatemala is still threatening more eruptions. The death toll is at 65 and expected to rise as rescue crews have not been able to access some areas.
  • Voting in California today for National, State and Local offices. There are more Democratic candidates running than in most years which may dilute the Democratic vote and lose some elections.
  • The New York Times reported on Sunday that FB gave device manufacturers (like Apple, Samsung and Amazon) access to vast amounts of FB user data. This is an especially sore subject since FB was recently reprimanded for leaking user data to Cambridge Analytica.
  • Microsoft is buying GitHub for $7.5 billion.

I tried to fix the broken PyPeerAssets build but network tests keep flaking.

Spent the bulk of the day looking at how to make able to operate with different network constants. I also got the unit tests running with the refactor except there are some changes we made to accommodate Peercoin that will have to be abstracted away… perhaps tomorrow :zzz:


Heartbeat – Friday, June 1st, 2018


…drinks coffee…

Music from YouTube:

Yoga and jogged two laps. Scrolled through Twitter, scrolled through Facebook.

News from The New York Times:

  • US imposes steel and aluminum tariffs on Canada, Mexico and the EU. Canada, Mexico and the EU begin to place tariffs on American exports.
  • The EPA has a proposal to remove stricter car emissions standards under review by the White House Office of Management and Budget. California will likely attempt to maintain the stricter standards as they have the right to set their own from the 1970 Clean Air Act.
  • Political uncertainty in Spain as the Parliament garners enough votes to oust current Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. Mr. Rajoy’s party was recently convicted of corruption.
  • A bill to revamp the decades-old Higher Education Act is having trouble finding a path to law. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos introduces her own changes to Higher Education in the interim.
  • President Trump pardoned Dinesh D’Souza on Thursday for illegally donating $20,000.00 to a political candidate in 2014. Mr. D’Souza holds very conservative views and is a major detractor of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Esperanto drills on DuoLingo.

Spent the afternoon and evening digging into how the Primecoin reference client establishes network connections and communicates over them. Small amount of progress made in porting it to C#.