Life Photos

the state of things (july 7, 2013)

FACT: Oregon is full of alpacas.
FACT: Oregon is full of alpacas.

hi internet

A lot has happened since last post! Robin’s parents came to visit and they rented a really awesome cabin up by Ashland, Oregon that we chilled at.

Not pictured: chilling.
Not pictured: chilling.

It’s really pretty up there and you can do awesome, extreme things like white water rafting.

Thar be dams up dar (Shasta Dam).
Thar be dams up dar (Shasta Dam).

Back in San Fransico Pride happened. You can’t see it very well in the panorama but there’s a really neat pink triangle up on Twin Peaks.

Can you see it?
Can you see it?

And other random things:

have a great week!

Life Photos

the state of things (june 16, 2013)

On a scale of one to bear...I am bear.
On a scale of one to bear…I am bear.

hi internet

Oh man…totally sucked at keeping this thing up to date 🙁 Have a picture of me in the Muir Woods posing like a wooden bear!

Things have been going well out here in SF. I have bunch of pictures and videos uploaded to the blog and will try to start putting them up. Yelp‘s been Yelping real good. I’ve helped build a few things but there are a bunch of teams pushing out really cool enhancements all the time.

A couple of other random things:

  • After abondoning Trisquel 5.5 for a while for Ubuntu I’ve been using Trisquel 6.0 and have been very happy with the release. Give it a shot if you’re looking for a fully free distrubtion.
  • I saw this project for hardware bitcoin wallets on hacker news and got interested in bitcoin again. It’s a little weird creating an account on a site that used to be a Magic the Gathering card exchange but I think it’ll be really fun to try out.
  • My think penguin laptop is still running strong…but I am really jealous of this new high-res laptop they’re putting out now. Wants.

have a great week!

Life Photos

A First Stab at Film Photography

The fruit of my film photography class labor: