Life Photos

the state of things (july 7, 2013)

FACT: Oregon is full of alpacas.
FACT: Oregon is full of alpacas.

hi internet

A lot has happened since last post! Robin’s parents came to visit and they rented a really awesome cabin up by Ashland, Oregon that we chilled at.

Not pictured: chilling.
Not pictured: chilling.

It’s really pretty up there and you can do awesome, extreme things like white water rafting.

Thar be dams up dar (Shasta Dam).
Thar be dams up dar (Shasta Dam).

Back in San Fransico Pride happened. You can’t see it very well in the panorama but there’s a really neat pink triangle up on Twin Peaks.

Can you see it?
Can you see it?

And other random things:

have a great week!

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