
The computer said to drop this here.

I wrote my first “real” Haskell program It took some trial-and-error but I finally figured out that it was easier to use an older stack snapshot ( that included the package I needed.

That program simply picks a random location to drop an online Peercoin airdrop wallet. “Blog” was the winner, so here it is: airdrop wallet 0208.

Have fun, stay safe.


Wandering, Once Again

I’ve been leaving Peercoin paper wallets around San Francisco off-and-on for a couple of years. It’s raining outside today and it finally tipped the scales on moving the real-world activity online: airdrop wallet 0201. To be honest, the conversion rate for the online wallets is so much higher already.

I’ve continued to learn Haskell and have been updating the Noisebridge wiki along the way I’ve made some progress on my own but will need to find their community to ask for help on more practical topics (like installing Haskell GTK… maybe is the right place for that).

Finally, I’ve been trying to understand Euterpea but get really lost when it mentions music theory concepts. The internet provides answers for those that look, though, edX Introduction to Music Theory 🙂 I’ll see if it helps.

Have fun, stay safe.


Heartbeat – Tuesday, June 26th, 2018

Tend to Cloud Computers :cloud:




The San Francisco Chronicle:

  • Front Page “S.F. HOMELESS PROJECT: Centers appear to be working”: Navigation Centers for people that suffer from persistent homelessness have proven helpful in San Francisco and in other U.S. cities. Although more costly and time intensive, they offer unwavering support to those that require extra assistance.
  • Front Page “Supes panel puts roadblock in front of Tasers”: Supervisors Sandra Lee Fewer, Malia Cohen and Norman Yee removed funding for police tasers from the city budget (Catherine Stefani and Jeff Sheehy voted against the cut). More information on the true costs of the tasers is being requested before committing to the expenditure.
  • Front Page “Harris’ ICE stance a fault line for Dems”: Senator Kamala Harris thinks ICE should be reconsidered from scratch after citing poor treatment of migrants. Positions among Democrats on the ICE agency vary and may cause discord in the party.


Yoga. Jog. DuoLingo.

WinPrime – A Block has some meta data and then Transactions. Transactions are composed of Inputs and Outputs. These have Scripts in them that I don’t currently understand (but will eventually).